
Castle 365 - Krzyżtopór

Explore Poland

Krzyżtopór is a castle located in Ujazd, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in Poland, Europe. It was the biggest palace construction in Europe before the rise of Versailles. The whole castle was built on a pentagonal plan. Four peaks ended with defensive towers. 
The construction of the castle was managed by the architect Wawrzyniec Senes, while the founder was Krzysztof Ossoliński.

Photo by SylwiaCam

It is called “a castle unlike any other”. Since 2018, it has the status of a historical monument. 

Photo by SylwiaCam

Currently, various attractions and shows of reconstruction groups take place in the castle. This year 2021, the shows have been slightly limited due to sanitary restrictions. 
An interesting attraction is the possibility of night sightseeing and visiting the cellars, which are not illuminated.

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Photo by SylwiaCam

This impressive construction was built between 1627-1644. It has as many windows as days of the year (365), 4 towers as 4 seasons of the year, 12 halls as 12 months, and as many rooms as weeks (52).

The five arms of the structure reflected:

  1. 5 human senses: taste, hearing, touch, smell and sight;
  2. 5 elements: earth, water, wind, fire, light;
  3. 5 worlds: physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual.

It is a palace and fortress in one. The water source decided about the location of the building.

The palace was destroyed during the Swedish invasion (The Deluge) and by the Russian army about 100 years later.

Photo by SylwiaCam

There are two reliefs on the entrance gate of the castle: a cross and an ax. The castle undoubtedly impresses with its form and invites you to long walks. 

Photo by SylwiaCam
Photo by SylwiaCam
Photo by SylwiaCam

At the end of the tour, you can go to the basement of the castle, where in a nice cafe you can have a hot coffee, tea, or eat ice creams or a cake. Certainly, the castle is a good place to visit, especially in times of a pandemic due to its open-air sightseeing. 

Enjoy your visit!

Google Maps screenshot

Written by Sylwia S.

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