Stuffed Zucchini


Stuffed Zucchini


  • zucchini
  • tomatoes
  • meat (optional)
  • plums
  • cheese
Photo by SylwiaCam
Photo by SylwiaCam
Photo by SylwiaCam

We prepare the ingredients that we want to add to the zucchini. We can peel the skin off or bake it with the skin (I made both variants). 

Cut the zucchini into thick pieces and remove the seeds. Add tomatoes, plums and meat (if you use it). We can stuff the zucchini with any ingredients. I do not use spices, but you can add salt or anything as you like. 

Bake everything for about 45 minutes, 180C. If you bake zucchini with the skin, the baking time may extend. 

Written by Sywia S.

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