MODERNA Second Dose


MODERNA Second Dose

Healthcare Poland

Remember you have your 2nd dose of vaccine tomorrow. Thats’s the message I received approx 24h before my vaccination. 

The day of my appointment I went on for an adventure. This time there was a line, not huge yet a line. It looked like there was a little chaos due to a few different vaccines they were using this time, and some technical difficulties (as I was told later). 

Photo by SylwiaCam

Step 1, a queue. My appointment supposed to be at 14:40. I spent around 15 mins in the line. Most of the people waiting there didn’t have their forms filled out yet, they were filling them out at the spot. This time there was no social distancing, or soldiers by the entrance. Worth mentioning that the temperature was above 30C.

Step 2, interview. When it was my turn I walked up to the desk where a man in his late 20’s / early 30’s was working. It might have been a nurse, med student, or a young doctor. He took a look at my form and asked if I had any serious side effects after my first dose of vaccine, and which arm? There was no temperature check, even though I saw two thermometers on the other desk. But I’m guessing everyone would have high temperature in this hot summer weather.

Step 3, vaccination. After quick formalities I went behind the curtain and a nurse gave me my 2nd dose of vaccine. The injection alone was a bit more painful than during my first dose. 

I asked if the supplies have increased and that’s why they are using 3 different types of vaccines today? The nurse answered, “yes, and now we have a little chaos here. But now that we have more vaccines there’s not many people wanting to get one. People are wise after something bad happens. Because of that we will have problem again in autumn when people will start getting sick and flu season starts.” After my shot I took my “magical” card with my vaccine info and went to another desk. 

Step 4, technical difficulties. At the last stop they add the info about your 2nd dose to that card, and update your info in the system. In theory, there should be printed your so-called “vaccine passport”. Sadly it didn’t happen in my case because of some technical difficulties. I just got informed that I can print it myself at home. 

Photo by SylwiaCam

Step 5, waiting… Next, I went to the other side of the room and sat down on one of the chairs dedicated to people after vaccination. I waited about 20 mins and then went outside because it was way too warm indoors, especially wearing a mask. Waited a while longer outdoors and then went back home.

Step 6, side effects. After about 7h I started to feel very weak, dizzy, muscles pain, difficulties seeing and headache. I went to bed right away but sadly I couldn’t sleep. The whole night was just a mix of headache, fever, seizures, muscle cramps and pain. Around 4 am I had to take some painkillers but it helped only partially. The whole next day I spent in bed, could barely move and the fever went up to 38.8C. Paracetamol could barely fight the muscle cramps, fever and pain. I tried to help myself using wet towels cooled in the fridge (be careful with eyes and nasal sinus). 

Day 3 was better but I was still very weak.

Fun fact, the nurse who gave me my dose told me that after the 2nd dose there are no side effects. Though I said I heard different opinions. And then we both found that it’s very individual and depends on many factors. 

If you’ve decided to get your vaccine I wish you good luck and hope you won’t have any side effects. All the best!

Photo by SylwiaCam

Written by Sylwia S.

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